
How to Buy Fabrics Online-Wisely! Leave a comment

1. Look for a credible online fabric store. Credible meaning they have no hang-ups in letting you touch samples before you pay,and they have a good return-policy.

2. Choose fabrics wisely — Don’t buy very expensive yardages without seeing samples or buying physically.

3. Look for credible payment methods such as Paypal, etc.

4. Look for an online store which (preferably) does not store your personal & payment information.

5. Look for a online retailer that charges no hidden costs apart from shipping (which should be stated).

6. Look for an online store which displays its customer care numbers and email ID prominently.

Some Tips

* Look for a store offering FREE samples

* Look for doorstep delivery

* Look for easy & secured payment methods

* Look for a store offering a difference-in the products or the prices.

* Look for that personalised touch.


* Never buy from stores not offering samples,as they might be selling something else and advertising another.

* Never buy from a store having unclear lines of communication.

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