Madras Plaid Fabric for Vintage Sewing
FABRIC: Madras Fabric – preppy plaid for shirts, dresses & costumes.
WIDTH: 44-45 inches approx
WEIGHT: Medium-light weight
COLOR SCHEME: Fuchsia, white, yellow, green plaids combination
DRAPING & THICKNESS: Fabric drapes fairly well due to its medium-light weight,and being cotton it crushes and gets back in shape equally.Steam press ideal though not mandatory. It allows little light to pass through when held up against a bulb/natural light.
FINISH & FEEL: Regular medium-light weight cotton poplin feel to the hand
MINIMUM CUT: 4 yards.
SHIPPING in USA: Usually 4 yards of most fabrics can be shipped in a $10 pack.
UK shipping at GBP 7-9 per pack of 4 yards
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